Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bear Hunting

So although Mom and I were eager to see a bear the closest we came was some gross bear poop... Lady rolled in it but that was the extent of fun. When we were done we ate some questionable soup and then left. Mom and I went downtown to look around so I could take some pictures and we ended up seeing 17 Again. It was way better than I thought it would be. Its so awkward being alone with her. I hate that but I guess we never bonded when I was younger? Also, maybe I'll just never get over feeling like the wasted child when next to Kt. I'll never understand how she gets everything she wants without asking while I struggle.
Bah. The inadequacies of childhood never go away. :)

As far as my goals for Thursday go, I never made the brownies. I will hopefully today though. Robs truck is getting a camper shell put on right now but when its done were going shooting. And by shooting I mean I will look at the gun in my hand like its a disease as I try desperately to look like I retained the information about how to aim. Should I miraculously hit anything I will (carefully) put the gun down and do a happy dance. I have no desire to know how to shoot a gun EXCEPT for just in case the zombie apocalypse happens. In that event, stand behind me for I will lead the way.
I applied for a few jobs... Stuff for nanny positions mostly. There are two families looking for summer help which would be fine but there is one family starting in August that I really want. They would pay about what I was making before plus since it starts so late I could work at the day camp. That is, if I get hired there. Also, should I choose to go to college this job would have pretty easy hours to work around...

I wish life was easier. I want someone to just tell me what I should do so that I'll be happy and accomplished and fulfilled. I wish I didn't feel so lost every single day.

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