Sunday, June 28, 2009


So I've definitely calmed down since that last post. Tim, Jon, and Corey are all going to sit down Tuesday and talk about the lease. I know Tim doesn't want to live with Jon for just a 6 month period because it would cost too much but I hope Jon doesn't talk him into anything. I know it's a possibility. Tim is just the type of guy who wants everyone to love him, he never wants to rock the boat. I guess I cant really be too mad about that considering it's one of the reasons I love him.
Anyway. Wednesday night I woke up coughing really bad and I ended up hurting my back. While I was coughing I heard something kind of pop but just ignored it. I've been having such a hard time sleeping I just wanted to get back to bed as fast as possible.
Saturday I had a job interview for a family with a 2 year old. They have a 2 year old and he was sooooo cute. He was a premature baby though so he only weighs 20 pounds. That's so freaking little for a 2 year old! They had specifically said in their add they needed someone who wasn't prone to getting sick because he can so easily be affected so Saturday I had to try so hard to not cough in front of them. Half way through the interview though my back started hurting so badly it was almost impossible to ignore.
By the time I got in my car after leaving the interview I was in tears because of my back. I couldn't stand up straight and I could barely breathe. Every breath I took was labored and shallow. The half hour drive back to my house was almost too much. While I was talking to Connie about the interview I tried to cough and it hurt so much it brought tears to my eyes so having enough of that I went to the doctor (finally).
Luckily the urgent care doesn't charge more for weekend visits cause I could not of waited till Monday. The doctor made a joke about me cracking a rib Wednesday from coughing but after the x rays came back (nothing was cracked thank goodness!) he said he noticed some fluid and it was a good thing I came in cause they caught it early. I feel like shit so if this is early then I can't imagine what full blown pneumonia would feel like. :/
For the first time I am glad I don't have work tomorrow.

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