Thursday, July 16, 2009

Its all about the money, Honey!

Harry Potter really wasn't all I thought it would be. The 6Th book felt like a filler, mainly there just to explain Dumbledore being murdered and Voldemortes soul being broken up into pieces. I feel like there is just so much in the 7Th book that it would of been beneficial, at least for the last movie, to separate them into 2. The last book felt so saturated and too much, especially in comparison to the 6Th book.
Tim slept through almost every bit of the movie. It was my fault though, poor guy. I didn't realize it would be so difficult to go to the midnight showing! He should of taken a nap before the movie but we were hanging out with David all afternoon.
It ended up being me, Tim, David, and Corey that went but we expected Jon to be there too. He ended up going to an entirely different theatre because Brittany bought their tickets to the wrong theatre. Seriously, Brittany? Nobody even invited her. I'm personally glad Jon didn't come to ours cause I would not of wanted to see Brittany even a little bit.
Also, there was some talk of going to see the movie with Kevin, Mike, and possibly Stevie. They were quickly put to a stop though when Kevin made it clear hes still uncomfortable around me and Tim. It makes me really sad still. Its been over 2 years that he and I broke up... I wish we could BOTH come to a point where we can be happy and comfortable and at peace. I doubt it will ever happen.
Yesterday I got on to and changed around my availability so that I can still apply to random baby sitting jobs. If anything falls in to my not working time I am all about making some extra money as soon as possible! I also changed it on sitter city but I'm wondering if I should find another site to go to also... You can't have too many!
I applied to a job (through care) for two mentally challenged kids that's looking promising. I already got a response from the mother asking when I could meet for an interview next week so I'm looking forward to it!
The kids aren't really kids necessarily... It's a 19 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. The boy is on the level of a 2-4 year old, is non verbal, has some autism, and mild cerebral palsy. The girl is on the level of a 6 - 10 year old, has a small speech impediment but generally cares for herself. I'm really really looking forward to working with them. I think it will be extremely interesting and will teach me a lot of valuable things. I love that it will be a great learning experience and also that its a whole new aspect of this job.
I need to go to the bookstore later cause Kelly sent me a text Sunday asking if I wanted to work the next rush. I think it starts in a week? I'm not really sure but I should definitely get my butt in gear and go over there! If it starts this upcoming week then crap, I might not be on the schedule because I've waited so long. :( Hopefully I'm not wrong that it starts this week but hopefully I am wrong that I wont be on it. I could really use the money, I'm down to my last $20 and its really scary. Knowing I have a job means nothing when I'm still not making any money...
You would not believe the amount of time I spend thinking about money. How to get it, how to keep it, what I'll spend it on, and how to make the MOST the FASTEST!

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